1981 Far a Day Cage

Time Machine 1980–2010

  • Happening on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Kaserne Basel
  • Kaserne Basel
  • 2010


    • 2 + 3 September 2010
      • Kaserne Basel

To mark the thirtieth anniversary of the "Kaserne Basel", thirty artists from the performing arts are dedicating themselves to one of the previous thirty years. The audience travels with thirty performances through the period from 1980 to 2010. The show is staged twice, once from 1980 to 2010 and once in reverse order. "The Time Machine 1980 - 2010" is curated by the directors of "Kaserne Basel" together with Boris Nikitin. Nikitin is also responsible for the staging of the happening.

Boris Nikitin, zusammen mit Carena Schlewitt und Tobias Brenk
Boris Nikitin
Stage design
Demian Wohler
Technical director & light design
Christoph Senn
CapriConnection, Beatrice Fleischlin, Andreas Liebmann, Marcel Schwald, Viet Dang, Patrick Gusset, Thom Luz, Far A Day Cage/Tomas Schweigen, miR compagnie, Ruff'n'X, Tom Ryser, Storm/Störmer, Ueli Jaeggi, Christoph Frick/Klara, Schauplatz International, Les Reines Prochaines, Christian Zehnder, Matterhorn Produktionen, Michael Koch, Sebastian Nübling & Renate Klett, Christian Geffroy & Barbara Schlittler, Pascal Grünenfelder +Florian Huber,Jaro Milko, Papiro, Laura Kalauz & Martin Schick,Mats Staub, Miro Widmer &Samuel Tschudin, Antenna Tony Monorail, The Famous Goldfinger Brothers